Benefits of Oolong Tea Before Bed

Benefits of Oolong Tea Before Bed

The fact that you are here means you have heard of Oolong tea. You’ve probably used it for its several benefitsOpens in a new tab.. But what are the benefits of Oolong tea before bed? 

Having originated in China, this tea falls into the category of teas that are partially oxidized. It helps reduce stress and night sweats, and it is great for weight loss.

Here, we look at the health benefits of drinking oolong tea before bed. It also covers how to make the tea. In addition, we touch on oolong tea consumption for your safety. Read to the end to learn more. 

The Benefits of Drinking Oolong Tea Before Bed

Taking Oolong as your bedtime drink has the following health benefits: 

Reduces Stress

High stress levels affect your sleep patterns. Drinking this healthy tea before retiring to bed helps reduce anxiety and stress. This tea, derived from Camellia sinensis, contains L-theanine, which is an amino acid that reduces caffeine’s stimulatory effects in your body. As a result, you will experience stress relief and calmness. 

A study Opens in a new tab.showed that this amino acid can help with anxiety too. Besides, Oolong tea contains antioxidants like theaflavins, which have calming effects on your body. Therefore, it is safe to say that taking Oolong tea daily before bed can reduce your stress level, giving you better sleep quality. 

Enhances Digestion

Digestive symptoms like abdominal pain, regurgitation, and abdominal distension can disrupt your sleep. Taking oolong tea before bed can help you with the mentioned problems. Like green and black teas, oolong tea extracts can enhance digestion. This is because oolong tea contains catechins, compounds that can enhance digestion. 

In addition, Oolong contains polyphenols that support digestive health. Drinking Oolong tea also hydrates your body, which helps with digestion. As a result, taking a cup of Oolong tea before bed can ease any stomach problems, giving you a peaceful night and adequate rest. 

benefits of oolong tea before bed

Combats Snoring 

Regular snoring can disrupt your sleep, leading to poor sleep quality. Taking cups of Oolong tea regularly before bed can help with this problem. This traditional Chinese tea has anti-inflammatory effects that reduce inflammation in your respiratory system. As a result, your nasal passages will be free, resulting in smooth breathing while asleep. 

Alleviates Night Sweats

Excessive night sweats can be a concern because they create discomfort and disrupt sleep. Oolong tea can help if you have this problem. This is because this traditional Chinese tea contains properties that can create hormonal balance if an imbalance is the primary cause of your night sweating problem. 

As mentioned earlier, it can also help with anxiety, which is one of the causes of night sweats. Its antioxidants can also contribute by combating oxidative stress, another cause of night sweats. However, you should not seek medical attention if the symptoms persist. Doing so is essential because night sweating can be a sign of serious underlying problems like carcinoid tumors or heart infections known as endocarditis. 

Helps With Weight Loss

Being overweight can contribute to sleep problems such as sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome. In addition, it can cause other health complications. Drinking a cup of oolong tea can help boost metabolism and decrease body fat. This is because oolong tea affects fat metabolism. 

Research on oolong consumption versus caffeine on energy and fat metabolism showed positive results in healthy volunteers, as shown in this report.Opens in a new tab. This is because oolong tea increases fat oxidation, without affecting energy expenditure. In addition, oolong tea may help regulate your appetite, which contributes to actual body fat loss. As a result, you will attain a healthy body weight. 

Helps With Blood Sugar Levels

High blood sugar levels pre-bed impact your nervous system causing restlessness and insomnia. Taking Oolong tea extract before bed can help you reduce your blood sugar level. This tea contains polyphenols, which improve insulin sensitivity. With improved sensitivity, your body cells will use glucose from its bloodstream to stabilize blood sugar levels.

Some studiesOpens in a new tab. also suggest that Oolong tea may regulate insulin secretion. In doing so, this tea will help you have a stable blood sugar level. You will have a minimal nocturnal awakening, be relaxed, and won’t crave a late-night snack, all leading to a restful night. 

Promotes Daytime Alertness

Lastly, taking Oolong tea regularly before bed will enhance your daytime alertness. This is because it contains L-theanine which improves brain health. Additionally, the habit of taking Oolong tea will keep you hydrated, which contributes to optimal cognitive function. 

Tips for Brewing Oolong Tea Leaves Like a Guru

Brewing Oolong tea leaves is straightforward. You can do so using the steps in the Youtube video Opens in a new tab.below. 

For the best quality oolong tea, you should use the following tips: 

  • Use high-quality tea leaves: You should use high-quality oolong tea leaves, such as loose-leaf tea. This is because loose-leaf tea consists of whole tea leaves, which are more flavorful compared to tea bags. The tea leaves have a high surface area and also retain their essential oils, contributing to the flavor. 
  • Pre-heat the teaware: It’d be best to pre-heat the wear you intend to use too. This process entails rinsing your teaware using hot water. You should do the same to the pot cover and the cups. Pre-heating helps with temperature control and attaining an optimal steeping environment. 
  • Use the right temperature: It will help if you brew your cup of oolong tea at the right temperature. For lightly oxidized Oolong, you should brew at 175 to 185 F, while the moderately oxidized ones you brew at 185 to 195 F. This temperature range will help you balance the extraction of flavor and avoid excessive bitterness. 
  • Keep watch of the steeping time: Ensure that you monitor the steeping time as it affects oolong tea’s flavor, profile, and strength. Steeping for an extended period results in a bitter cup of oolong tea while cutting it short will result in a weak one.  For the best result, follow the recommended steeping time. Although adjusting to your preference won’t affect the outcome. Besides, you should use a timer and taste as you go. 
  • Observe the tea-to-water ratio: You should also observe the tea-to-water ratio for the best outcome of your bedtime drink. Doing so is essential as the ratio determines flavor extraction, consistency, and efficiency. 


1. Which type of Oolong tea is good to drink before bed?

Decaffeinated oolong tea is the best one to drink before bed as it is caffeine-free. Such oolong tea is produced through water processing, carbon dioxide extraction, or using ethyl acetate. These extraction methods reduce the caffeine levels while retaining other Oolong tea properties. Thus, drinking such tea before bed will not impact your sleep pattern negatively. 

2. What differentiates Oolong tea from green and black tea

Oxidation level, flavor profile, and caffeine content are what differentiate Oolong from green and black teas. Oolong tea is partially oxidized, ranging from 10% to 70% oxidation. Whereas green tea is minimally oxidized or sometimes not oxidized. In comparison, black tea is fully oxidized and black. 
Oolong tea has a floral, fruity, or nutty flavor, while green tea has a fresh or vegetable flavor. In comparison, black tea has a malty or earthy flavor. Regarding caffeine content, oolong tea contains around 30-50 mg of caffeine per 8-ounce cup serving. Note that his level depends on the brewing method. Green tea, on the other hand, contains lower caffeine levels, while black tea contains higher levels. 

3. Does drinking Oolong tea have side effects?

Drinking a moderate amount of oolong tea doesn’t have any side effects. However, overconsumption can lead to increased heart rate, digestive issues, and dehydration. In addition, you might experience complications if you are caffeine sensitive or under medication like blood thinners or those that treat blood pressure. For that reason, consulting your healthcare provider would be best before taking this tea, if you are taking other medication. 


Oolong tea has been used for ages due to its benefits. For instance, weight loss, better metabolism, and brain health are some of the effects of oolong tea. This article dives deeper into the benefits of oolong tea before bed. It has detailed the benefits, giving you adequate information and reasons why you should start taking a cup of oolong tea as your bedtime drink.

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