Does Ginger Tea Break A Fast?

Losing weight is not an easy task, and many of us try multiple methods to keep our weight in check. One of the most effective methods is fasting or intermittent fasting. It is a method of weight loss that allows you only a small eating window daily.

If you are worried about ginger tea breaking your fast, it is not necessary. Ginger tea does not break a fast; rather, it aids in fasting. The reason lies in how it interacts with your body while fasting. It can lower insulin levels, making you feel less hungry during that time. Therefore, you may benefit from drinking ginger tea while fasting.

Read on to learn more as we discuss a ginger break while fasting.

Why Ginger Is Ideal for You When Fasting

You are not alone if you have found yourself hovering over your containers of Earl Gray’s, oolong, or any other tea you may have, including ginger tea. You may also feel guilty about taking even the tiniest sip because of how it will affect your fasting.

However, some tea types are ideal for fasting periods because they do not affect the process within your system. Instead, they encourage and boost them, hastening the effects in the long run, and ginger tea is one such tea.

Any simple herbal tea works wonders on the body during fasting. Ginger tea, in particular, reduces your desire or craving for food and soothes your stomach to prevent refluxes. It can also calm your nerves to keep you from experiencing the undue irritation that comes from not eating for prolonged periods.

In simple terms, ginger tea is not one of the foods or drinks to avoid while fasting. It does not affect your blood sugar to aggravate cravings and hunger. What you want to achieve while fasting is a low insulin response to help you lose weight or burn fat. 

Consequently, your body produces ketones to use in place of insulin. In other words, your body uses up stored fat for energy instead of relying on what food provides.

does ginger tea break a fast

Foods That Break Your Fast

If you are concerned about what foods can break your fast, keep in mind that any food that is high in calories or carbs falls under that category. This is because such foods boost the insulin in your body and stop the process of producing ketones. That way, it breaks your fast.

Some snacks seem healthy and good enough for consumption during a fast, but they contribute to insulin production. Yogurt, fish, protein powder, eggs, legumes, and milk can help you break your fast. So, avoid using milk if you must take ginger tea during a fast. 

Most carbohydrates also break your fast. Therefore, do not eat bread, use sugar, or mix regular sweeteners into your ginger tea. They may only destroy your intermittent fasting diet and efforts for several days or weeks.

Foods that Do Not Break Your Fast

Ginger tea is one of the best ways to tide yourself over while fasting if you feel like snacking or eating something you shouldn’t. However, you must always drink ginger tea plain, without any sweeteners or sugars. If you must sweeten it, use only an organic sweetener.

You can also try other herbal teas, such as peppermint, ginger, lemon, or chamomile tea. They are soothing, relaxing your nerves, and do not break your fast. They are a healthy way to soothe a hungry stomach without compromising the process.

Foods rich in fiber and low in carbs can work well with ginger tea while fasting. Apple cider vinegar, butter, lemon, and coffee are other safe foods and drinks to take to avoid breaking a fast.

How to Make the Best Ginger Tea While Fasting

There are several ways to use ginger while fasting, but the most popular way is to make it into tea. Fortunately, you can make ginger tea at home if you do not already have it in bags. Also, you can make it with water or milk.

Before making your ginger tea at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Raw ginger
  • Organic sweetener or honey
  • Water
  • Milk 
  • Lemon or lime juice
does ginger tea break a fast

Making Ginger Tea With Water

Step 1

Start by thoroughly washing the fresh ginger root in cold running water. After that, peel the raw ginger, ensuring you remove the entire back. 

Step 2

Next, cut the ginger into thin slices and prepare to boil them. Cutting it into thin slices brings out the spiciness and allows the water to absorb it to produce a great cup of tea. Get a pot and pour about two cups of clean water into it.

The amount of ginger you want to boil will determine the amount of water you add. The more ginger slices there are, the bigger the water. If you want a stronger cup of ginger tea, use more ginger and a larger amount of water.

Step 3

Now, put the ginger slices in the pot of water and set it to a boil. Allow the mixture to simmer for about twenty minutes after bringing it to a boil. The longer you leave it to simmer, the spicier and more potent the tea will be.

Step 4

Afterward, add some lemon or lime juice and sweetener or honey to your desired taste. Sweetening the tea is optional; you can skip this step if you would rather take it without the sweetener. It is best to drink the tea while it is hot to get the best taste and feel.

Making Ginger Tea With Milk

Step 1

Clean the ginger by washing and scrubbing it under running water. After that, peel and cut the ginger into thin slices, just as you would when boiling it in hot water. Ensure the slices are thin enough for the spiciness to be absorbed when boiling.

Step 2

Next, pour some water into a pot and add the slices of ginger to it. The more slices there are, the better the spicy tea. However, the amount of water you will use in this method will be much less than when making the tea with water alone.

You want to taste the milk when drinking the tea, and adding too much water only dilutes the flavor. The amount of tea you want will determine the amount of water to use.

Step 3

Allow the water with the ginger in it to boil for about ten minutes before removing it from the heat and adding milk. The quantity of milk you add will depend on the amount of tea you want to make, just like the water. The only difference is that the quantity of milk will surpass that of water for the best results.

Step 4

Set the pot back on the cooker or stove and allow the ginger and milk to simmer gently for about five to ten minutes. This time allows the liquids to mix thoroughly and produce an excellent cup of tea. Afterward, serve the tea; it is best to drink it when it is hot.

Here is a video demonstrating how to make ginger tea from scratch:

Does Ginger Tea Break a Fast?


Before listing the ingredients and quick recipes for making ginger tea, we would like to point out that taking ginger in excessive amounts may be dangerous. This is particularly true if you constantly take it on an empty stomach. It can cause acid reflux or a more adverse reaction that has a long-term effect.

Bottom Line

Does ginger tea break a fast? This herbal tea does not help you lose weight. On the contrary, it makes your fasting period bearable and soothing because it handles insulin sensitivity in your body, makes you less hungry, and has many other health benefits. Therefore, feel free to take ginger tea while fasting; you will do yourself a world of good.


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