Does Gold Peak Tea Have Caffeine?

If you’re searching for a caffeine-free beverage that won’t compromise on flavor, try Gold Peak Unsweetened Tea. This unsweetened tea, crafted from actual tea leaves, has all the taste of freshly brewed tea without sugar or calories. 

While Gold Peak Unsweetened Tea may seem caffeine-free, it is worth noting that all teas contain trace quantities of caffeine, even if they aren’t labeled as such.

The caffeine content per fluid ounce in Gold Peak Tea is 2.59 mg (8.77 mg per 100 ml). The amount of caffeine in Gold Peak tea, however, varies greatly between different varieties.

To help you make an informed decision about whether or not Gold Peak Tea is right for you, this article will discuss its health benefits, caffeine level, and potential side effects.

What Is Gold Peak Tea?

When it comes to bottled iced tea in the United States, Gold Peak Tea comes from the most well-known brand, Coca-Cola. You may get it in sweet, unsweetened, or green tea varieties. The brand is proud of its trademark flavor, which it achieves by utilizing only high-quality tea leaves, pure filtered water, natural flavors, and genuine sugar or honey for a peak flavor.

Does Gold Peak Tea Have Caffeine?

Does Gold Peak Tea Have Caffeine?

All Gold Peak teas include caffeine, so that’s a positive answer. Yet, the caffeine content of different tea varieties varies widely depending on the brewed tea concentrate. The firm reports that its sweet tea has 35 milligrams of caffeine per 18.5 fluid ounces, while its unsweetened tea has 23 milligrams per 18.5 fluid ounces. There are 48 mg of caffeine in a whole 18.5 oz bottle.

The quantity of caffeine in tea, coffee, and other beverages varies greatly. The taste of decaffeinated teas is diminished because of the technique used to remove the caffeine.

Caffeinated teas are more popular than decaffeinated ones because of their flavor.

How Much Caffeine Is in the Unsweetened Gold Peak Tea?

The caffeine content of the unsweet tea is 23 milligrams. Caffeine-wise, it’s the same as drinking a cup of green tea with a home-brewed taste. Caffeine levels in black tea are lower (47 mg) and higher (96 mg) than those in brewed coffee.

Does Gold Peak Diet Iced Tea Have Caffeine?

Caffeine may be found in Gold Peak’s diet iced tea. One can of Gold Peak diet iced tea contains 36 milligrams of caffeine.

What Effects Does Caffeine Have On the Human Body?

Caffeine has a number of physiological effects, including stimulation of the central nervous system. Caffeine, after ingestion, enters the circulation and makes its way to the brain, where it inhibits the release of adenosine, a neurotransmitter responsible for inducing sleep and decreasing alertness. As a result, other neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine become more active, leading to increased states of consciousness in which the individual is more awake.

Depending on the individual, caffeine can have both positive and negative effects on mood and cognition. The possible negative consequences include restlessness, agitation, and anxiety. In addition, dehydration is another detrimental effect of caffeine in large quantities.

Does Gold Peak Tea Have Caffeine?

What Is the Maximum Safe Caffeine Dose?

Factors such as age, weight, and general health influence the quantity of caffeine that is safe for consumption by a certain individual. Nevertheless, the maximum safe daily caffeine intake for individuals is 400 milligrams or about four cups of coffee.

Caffeine is present in many other beverages besides coffee and tea. Also, it’s in several meals and supplements, as well as in other drinks like energy drinks and soda. However, caffeine may have negative health effects. So, it’s vital to read labels and keep track of how much you consume.


Caffeine is present in Gold Peak Tea; however, the exact quantity varies by taste. Caffeine may improve mood and cognition in certain people. But you should use it in moderation. In addition, you should be aware of the risks associated with drinking too much coffee. Before you buy Gold Peak Tea, learn about the potential caffeine content and sugar levels and limit your use accordingly.


  1. Gold Peak Tea | Nutrition Facts | Varieties | Coca-Cola CanadaOpens in a new tab.
  2. The Effects of Caffeine on Your Body ( in a new tab.
  3. Effects of caffeine on human health – PubMed (

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