Iron Goddess Oolong

iron goddess oolong

You probably don’t know this, but Fujian Province is the birthplace of the renowned Iron Goddess of Mercy Oolong Tea! Yes! The tea is known for its bold flavor and high level of oxidation. This beloved tea is also harvested in Taiwan and Anxi. Interesting, right?

You see, Ti Kuan Yin, better known as Iron Goddess of Mercy or Iron Buddha Tea—two alternate nicknames for this popular form of Chinese oolong tea—caters to more than just your taste buds. Despite its unusual moniker, the Tieguanyin tea plant is renowned for its multitude of health benefits! It’s named after Avalokitesvara, the Buddhist Goddess of Compassion, and the ‘Ti’ portion translates to the iron statue; hence “Iron Goddess” or “Iron Buddha”. Keep reading to learn more about this drink!

The Iron Goddess Tea

You bet the “Iron Goddess of Mercy” tea is a delicious combination! It’s made with oolong, an ancient variety of Chinese green tea that dates back thousands of years. Steeped in folklore and tradition, its sweet-smelling aroma promises a blissful sip every time.

Cozy up and enjoy the notes of orchid petals that tantalize your taste buds—savor it all while you relax in the moment! What’s more? Its milky, flowery, and caramel tones just keep smiling through the golden brew. Give it a few moments, and you’re sure to notice those subtle differences in each lavish cup. So go ahead, give the tea whatever love you can; it’ll reward you with something special every infusion!

Characteristics of the Iron Goddess Of Mercy


Both Fujian and Taiwan are known for producing remarkable Iron Goddess of Mercy tea leaves; however, their distinctive flavors set them apart. The Fujian version is a classic oolong with an impressive oxidation level of 50%, providing unparalleled depth in flavor. On the other hand, the Taiwanese Iron Goddess of Mercy tea is heavily roasted and undergoes eight hours of roasting to give it a welcoming charred aroma as well as an oxidation rate between 25 and 35%. Wow!

This delicious Iron Goddess of Mercy tea has a robust taste and pleasant floral aroma when coming from Anxi, Fujian. But it’s unbelievable how different the charcoal notes are when brewed in Taiwan. Trust me, you can actually tell the difference between these two locations!

Tieguanyin is such a delicious Chinese tea. Its delightful floral aroma and subtle sweet notes make it so popular. It can be used for special occasions like the Gongfu ceremony or just to catch up with your loved ones over a cuppa. People really love how the scent of this tea intensifies across multiple infusions!


Iron Mercy’s Caffeine Boost Iron Goddess of Mercy Tea has average levels of caffeine. But beware! If you drink too much of it, you might suffer from insomnia and nausea and become irritable. If you’re pregnant, the doctor may advise you to keep your caffeine intake limited. So you’ve got to be careful about the quantity you drink.

iron goddess oolong

Benefits of Iron Goddess Oolong

Sure thing, the Tie Guan Yin tea isn’t just a famous oolong but definitely packs a punch when it comes to health benefits. I mean,  It sure packs all that goodness into one cup—definitely a yummy treat! Here are some of the benefits, though:

Improve Your Skin

Tieguanyin tea is amazing; it has so many advantages, one of which is how great it is for your skin. With the delicious oolong blend containing antioxidants in the form of polyphenols, you can enjoy its magical anti-allergenic properties to help fight off those pesky skin issues such as irritation or dryness!

In an impressive trial conducted in Japan, patients with eczema were encouraged to kick it up a notch with oolong tea—three cups a day, one after each meal in addition to their standard derma care. Did it work? You bet!

After two weeks, the majority of participants reported improvement in their symptoms. A whole month later, 63% saw significantly better results on their skin! Even six months after starting treatment, 54% of individuals still felt its effects—talk about long-lasting effects!

Help Reduce Weight

Do you know what diet-induced thermogenesis is? It’s the process of releasing heat and energy after eating. The best part is that it increases your metabolism, so to keep up with the steady temperature, your body taps into its fat stores for fuel. After a while, this could lead to a reduction in body fat percentage. Awesome way to lose weight, right? 

Well here is the catch, Tieguanyin tea packs catechin EGCG and flavonoids. This wonder drink can really amp up your weight loss. 

The EGCG helps kickstart thermogenesis in the body while the flavonoids block those pesky carbs that otherwise convert into fat. All these magical elements working together? That sounds like the perfect recipe for achieving your dream weight!

Strengthen Bones Density

Oolong teas like Tieguanyin are packed with copious amounts of flavonoids, which are known to be antioxidants and even have mild estrogenic effects. These qualities help support bone mineral density. But that’s not all. The fluoride content in tea can act as a potent anabolic booster for our bones.

What’s more? Drinking oolong tea could help prevent osteoporosis.  Oh, yes, it does!  In a Taiwanese Opens in a new, it was revealed that regular sippers aged 30 and over—who had a decade’s worth of drinking under their belt—had higher bone mineral density than those who didn’t regularly sip the beverage. 

Keep You Calm

L-theanine, found in oolong tea, is actually a structural match for glutamate, a neurotransmitter known to trigger excitement. But here’s the cool thing; that same L-theanine has some serious power, as it can cross the blood-brain barrier and get at those receptors! So it’s no surprise that it’s commonly used to treat stress, depression, and other anxiety problems.

In 2008, researchers monitored the EEGs of volunteers to study the effects of L-theanine on brain waves. The test group was given active ingredients, while the control group got the dud stuff. 

The L-theanine group had amazingly higher alpha waves than the placebo group. That’s what we experience when we feel overly chilled or during that ever-dreamy REM sleep. And since Oolong teas like Tieguanyin have these nutrients, they could potentially help us relax and drift away even further. So sip on a cup, it might just do the trick!

Iron Goddess Oolong

Ease Digestion

After a scrumptious meal, Chinese and Japanese folks usually enjoy a steaming cup of oolong tea. Hot oolong is thought to help digestion after heavy meals or ones that are loaded with fats. Plus, some believe its antioxidants may reduce swelling and pain too! Tieguanyin tea’s antioxidants could even aid in reinforcing your digestive tract’s lining, keeping nasty free radicals away for good. 

A study published in 2006Opens in a new tab. also revealed that, when ingested by rats, it helps regulate the production of amylase and lipase. Amylase is so important for correctly digesting starches because it speeds up the process of breaking them down into sugars, whereas lipase is great at breaking down certain dietary fats so they can be absorbed more easily. 

Boost Energy

Oolong teas, such as Tieguanyin, have a nice hit of caffeine similar to that in coffee—just enough to give you an alertness boost and help keep you focused without making you all jittery! 

And here’s the great thing: people who consume oolong tea regularly also have better memory and concentration. 

How to Brew Tieguanyin Oolong Tea

  • Get yourself a teapot and teacup (maybe a Gaiwan!), plus an adjustable stovetop tea kettle or pot—perfect for controlling the temperature.
  • Before making your cup of tea, give the teaware a little prep! Start by rinsing the teapot and cup with some hot water—make sure it’s fresh, though. Don’t just reuse the same stuff!
  • Boil the water in either a thermos or a saucepan on the stove until it reaches an optimal temperature of 190-200 F (88-93 C). Let it sizzle away nice and hot–no need to watch over it too closely, as long as you keep on top of that heat!
  • Fill the teapot with hot water and place the lid on top to make sure none of that lovely, aromatic steam escapes. Now it needs to steep for about three minutes—not too long, but just the right amount of time to give you a perfect cup of tea! 

Re-steeping Tieguanyin tea can be done six times if you want to retain its great flavor. To keep it delicious after each infusion, just add 30 seconds more steeping time. If you’re feeling extra fancy, use loose leaves instead of tea bags; it’ll give you an even better mild tea taste! 

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Tieguanyin tea is the bomb! It’s no wonder this remarkable beverage has captured the hearts of many. Growing up with a legendary story about emperors, blessings, and hard work, its captivating aroma and unique sweet flavor has attracted tea lovers from around the world! Are you curious to learn more? Well, here’s your chance. Read on for fascinating facts about where it’s grown, the types you can get your hands on, and even how to make a perfect cup of Tieguanyin tea!

Team Ono

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