White Peach Oolong Tea

White Peach Oolong Tea

Since the ancient Chinese, tea has been part of their traditional medicine. 

No nation’s health care system knows and understands herbs better than the Chinese. This has led to the existence of many teas that are not limited to oolong teas.

White peach Oolong tea is lightly flavored with the French fruit Mirabelle and other petals like rose, marigold, and mallow. Drinking this tea gives your taste buds a fruity and refreshing taste. But that’s not all! You can also drink it for a smooth complexion and fewer fine lines and wrinkles.

According to HealthlineOpens in a new tab., oolong teas are traditional teas from Chinese culture made from Camellia sinensis leaves, which are also used for making black tea and green tea. The process is what makes them different. The oxidation process of this leaf is what gives out oolong teas. 

There are many mouth-watering oolong tea bags on the market, including Wuyi oolong tea from the Wuyi mountains, high mountain oolong teas, and others.

Let’s discuss how white peach tea is made and what it has in it for you!

White Peach Oolong Tea 100-BagsOpens in a new tab.

White peach oolong teaOpens in a new tab. is a Chinese herbal tea with uncountable health benefits. White peach oolong tea helps clean our hearts and keep our bodies in good shape by fighting excessive fat and weight.

This means the tea has a stronger and fuller taste, unlike the lighter and more stone fruit flavors of most oolong teas.

This tea is available from various brands, like Stash TeasOpens in a new tab., but we advise buying from their online store to ensure you are buying the right product.

A sip of this mouth-watering and savory oolong tea will give you wonderful exhilaration. This oolong tea with unique flavors can be taken with honey. 

While it contains some caffeine, it can still fill us with energy to overcome the stress around us.

This white peach packs all the benefits of modern supplemental medicines into one brewed cup of tea. 

And its taste! It has a natural peach flavor, which is absent in most oolong teas.

Benefits of Drinking White Peach Oolong Tea

Oolong tea has several health benefitsOpens in a new tab. with healthy things in it like tea polyphenols, arubigins, flavonoids, and EGCG. These make the tea good for you.

Improve Focus and Think Better

Drinking oolong tea gives you a bit of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. This tea has roughly 38 mg of caffeine, which is a bit more than in green tea.

Also, there’s something called L-theanine in oolong tea. It’s a type of amino acid that can help you feel calm and think better.


Most of the time, studiesOpens in a new tab. show that drinking tea can help guard against diabetes and diabetes-related issues. It does this by making it easier for insulin to do its job and reducing swelling in the body, among other ways.

Improve Heart Health

Drinking oolong tea often can be good for your heartOpens in a new tab. because of the antioxidants in it, and it’s the same with white peach oolong tea.

Many studies of people who drink oolong tea regularly show that they have lower blood pressure and cholesterol and are less likely to have heart disease.

Boost Brain Function

First, caffeine can make your brain produce more norepinephrine and dopamine. 

These are two things in your brain that can make you feel better, pay better attention, and help your brain work well. With the caffeine content in white peach oolong tea, you are sure to have proper brain function.

Contents of the White Peach Oolong Tea

  • Each stash of white peach oolong tea contains 18 tea bags. 
  • There are more than 100 flavors to choose from according to your preference and taste: peach flavor, lemongrass, orange peel, and white peach flavor.
  • The mother brand stash also offers assorted teas like chai, black, rooibos, green, and iced teas; everyone has something special to drink.

How to Make White Peach Oolong Tea?

  • Start with hot water: You must boil the water to about 190 Fahrenheit to really bring out that peachy flavor!
  • Add the oolong leaves: For 6 ounces of water, you’d need to add about 1 teaspoon of oolong leaves for best results.
  • It’s time to brew it: Leave the oolong leaves in the hot water for about 5 minutes—this totally pops out its flavors and gives it that refreshing taste in your mouth.
  • Ready to drink: The wait is worth it! Now just pour into a little tea cup and drink! Enjoy!
white peach oolong tea

All From the Wuyi Mountains

Many oolong teas, green teas, black teas, and iced tea bags are sourced from the Wuyi Mountain.

Oolong teas are not the only teas from the mountain; there’s also Wuyi tea. This is a black tea that grows in northern Fujian, China. This region is known for its massive tea production and is among the major tea centers globally.

Wuyi teas are special because they grow on the sides of mountains. This makes them rare and sometimes expensive because the tea plants in these areas don’t produce a lot of tea. 

The tea from older plants is especially pricey, and there isn’t a lot of it. Da Hong Pao is a type of tea that is picked from the first plants of its kind.

When compared on a weight basis, it is one of the most expensive teas in the world. 

Most of the Wuyi tea you can buy is grown at lower heights and is more common. The Da Hong Pao you usually find for sale comes from plant pieces of the original ones.


White peach oolong teas are a must-have for every tea lover out there. If we want to have better brain function, heart health, weight loss, and other benefits that come with oolong teas, we must start taking them regularly.

It’s tasty and flavorful, and overall, it gives you energy and keeps you healthy. What more?!

Team Ono

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